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latest Hill Country Observer cartoon

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Today's Cartoon


October 2014: October 5: Warren County minesweeper

June 2014: June 4: privatization palisades

April 2014: April 2: the dirty little engine that could

02/03/2013: a well-fertilized federal farm bill


12/08/2013: three piggies went to market (two returned)

11/04/2013: general electric leaves fort edward for clearer waters

10/05/2013: vermont's surplus methane

09/05/2013: gambling with saratoga's past

07/03/2013: usda certifying organic greenery

06/01/2013: five and dime bags in a world of dollar stores

05/02/2013: fracking company plans for new york's home of greek yogurt

04/01/2013: congressional gun votes for sale

02/04/2013: upstate ny preppers


12/04/2012: copernicus explains vermont solar energy

11/05/2012: changing political winds

10/03/2012: scott brown's 2012 rooftop baggage

09/04/2012: gop matrimony in new york's 43rd senate district

08/02/2012: inflation at county nursing omes

07/05/2012: coal plant mercury effecting northeast loons and republicans

06/04/2012: romney abandons newborn romneycare

05/02/2012: invasives haiku

03/30/2012: vermont vaccination bill

02/03/2012: vermont's ball and chain reaction


12/01/2011: congressional reapportionment quilting throwdown

10/02/2011: wind farm angry birds

09/02/2011: bridges and post offices swept away

08/01/2011: modern day hipster jack and the organic beanstalk

06/30/2011: first and last rites for new york gay marriage supporters

05/30/2011: 2nd homeowner goose drops a golden egg

04/29/2011: general electric innovating ways to avoid pcb clean-up

03/28/2011: three nuclear power haiku

02/08/2011: malta reaping the treeless harvest of the chip fab plant


12/07/2010: fee fi fo fum and the mass agriculture bureaucracy ogre

11/09/2010: homer gibson sees now downside in nuclear power

10/07/2010: chris gibson distancing himself from carl paladino

09/10/2010: big box schools

08/06/2010: midwifing the male new york legislature

07/05/2010: the video versus taser standoff

06/02/2010: english only in jackson, ny

05/01/2010: albany's deficit canyon

03/28/2010: pot legalizations in a gateway state

02/05/2010: the adhd cycle


12/15/2009: charter schools want a share of the tax-payer's lunch money

11/19/2009: scrapping old voting machines

10/11/2009: three species extirpation haiku

09/10/2009: organic milk from cash-starved cows

08/07/2009: biomass and the rains of 2009

07/09/2009: the toxic scare-parent in west pawlet, vermont

06/08/2009: henry hudson & samuel de champlain meet on the ge dredging barge

05/08/2009: exterminating weed from the mass garden of democracy

04/04/2009: absentee ballot egg hunt in new york's 20th cd

02/09/2009: gillibrand veers left on the road to the u.s. senate


12/04/2008: industrial drilling for water

11/04/2008: i.c.e. harvest

09/30/2008: sandy treadwell touts his family values

08/06/2008: odd vegetable facial features in bio-engineering

07/11/2008: obama's wiretap vote

07/07/2008: joe bruno, out to pasture

06/05/2008: cdta goes to the races

05/03/2008: commitment issues in vermont unions

04/05/2008: too many caesareans in american medicine

03/06/2008: consumer culture catching nature's disease

02/02/2008: rockefeller's illegitimate drug law dependents

12/04/2007: the cremains of fly ash polluters


11/05/2007: rudy giuliani, latter day sox fan

10/03/2007: artistic wreckage at mass moca

09/06/2007: hospitals nursing off of big pharma

08/05/2007: gillibrand delivers a pork-stuffed farm bill to the organic table

07/05/2007: burocratic border barriers

06/08/2007: high-rent hives at the heart of colony collapse disorder

05/03/2007: w vetos new england town hall impeachment votes

04/05/2007: the cult of wamc's alan chartock

03/05/2007: vermont voters tackle school consolidation

02/01/2007: kirsten gillibrand, little miss sunshine


11/30/2006: hudson muck dredging and a possible congressional rematch

11/02/2006: bgh cows and baseball steroids

08/29/2006: three women and a baby

08/01/2006: sweeney debating gillibrand debates

06/29/2006: joe bruno, the wizard of luther forest

06/04/2006: three haiku on fort edward, ny sprawl

05/04/2006: usda's chicken chase

04/04/2006: criminalizing common sense in berkshire county

03/02/2006: milk haiku

01/30/2006: rich yodels from ridgeline developments


12/01/2005: students wanting to be left behind army recruiting efforts

11/04/2005: low-power fm mammals in the land of dinosaurs

10/04/2005: wrong way in great barrington's war on drugs

08/31/2005: international hotel gangs invade the b & b

08/02/2005: pataki's romneyesque reflection in a broken mirror

06/29/2005: new york's voting slot machines

05/31/2005: capeless crusader

04/27/2005: big ag's new food pyramid

03/24/2005: the reverse causal relationship between mercury pollution and idiocy

02/17/2005: ny's rainbow division's sudden nostalgia for february in upstate, ny

01/15/2005: new product line for vermont's general stores


10/04/2004: raking it in season in quaint vermont villages

08/27/2004: no blood for windfarms

07/23/2004: big box retailers in vermont, mass, and new york